Anis Shivani


Anis Shivani can be reached at:


The publisher for Anatolia and Other Stories is:

Diane Goettel

Black Lawrence Press
8405 Bay Parkway, C8
Brooklyn, NY 11214


The publisher for The Fifth Lash is:

Chad Prevost

C&R Press
812 Westwood Avenue Suite D
Chattanooga TN 37405

The publisher for Against the Workshop:  Provocations, Polemics, Controversies is:

Dr. Paul Ruffin

Editor, Texas Review Press

Box 2146, SHSU

Huntsville, Texas  77341-02146

email Dr. Ruffin at:  eng_pdr[at]shsu[dot]com

The publisher for My Tranquil War and Other Poems is:

Raymond Hammond

New York Quarterly Books

P.O. Box 2015

Old Chelsea Station

New York, NY  10113


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